Raw Review (26/06/2017)

What a week it was for WWE! Raw has bounced back into reckoning for the viewership status worldwide and how!

                          Image result for WWE Raw logo

                                 Image sources from: wrestlingnewssource.com

Here we breakdown the review of the show:

  • "The Big Dog" opens the show, seemingly pissed off with Braun Strowman due to the beat-down last week. Quite well into what probably was one of the better promos cut by Reigns, he quickly addresses that due to Strowman's distraction, he had lost his match against Joe (where he was put into the Coquina Clutch) the previous week, following which he accepts Strowman's challenge for the Ambulance Match at "Great Balls Of Fire" PPV. He promises to give Braun hell when out of nowhere an ambulance is parked next to the stage. Roman checks it out, expecting Strowman to be inside, when Strowman, out of nowhere, ambushes Reigns and throws him about like a rag doll before shoving him into the ambulance. Strowman slams the door on his face in what seems to be the returning monster push for him. Strowman is turning out to be the biggest (literally) superstar in the New Era.
                                Image result for WWE Raw 26 june 2017 roman reigns
                                   Image sourced from: sportskeeda.com
  • The Hardys and Finn Balor vs. Sheamus, Cesaro and Elias Samson: WWE Creative is seemingly becoming lackadaisical regarding booking of matches that involve amazing talent. I mean, what is Finn Balor even doing in a match like this? Why is he even being put up against Elias Samson? Why isn't Balor in the title picture? Or even in the upper mid-card? Is just handing the babyface team a win all that they can do right now? Additionally, The Hardys have lost the enigma surrounding them. WWE should start gaining momentum on getting rights over the "Broken" gimmick. Making matches against Sheamus and Cesaro is going in the right track, due to the imminent presence of the Tag-Team Titles. However, not cashing in on their individual abilities to bring the house down and then combining all that, is not the way they would want to move right now.
                               Image result for WWE Raw 26 june 2017
                                        Image sourced from: wwe.com
  • Goldust vs R-Truth: This is probably the biggest waste of time on a show of Raw's magnanimity. A story-line involving a broken friendship due to professional failure has become very stale now. Add to that, both of them cutting promos that make no sense. Goldust sabotaging Truth before the start of the match shows the violence breeding inside him. Being a pet-project of McMahon, he gets the required screen time, however, the crowd will soon pop as seen in last week's show.
  • Miz TV: The Miz and Maryse continue their story-line of differences created between them due to Ambrose in the previous weeks. This week, they welcome'd the Ball family (Lonzo, LaVar and LaMelo) as the guests promoted their "Big Baller Brand". After The Miz gloats about making the right predictions about LaVar Ball, we get a few arguments due to him demanding to be a partner for the promotion. Things heat up as Lonzo is seen taking out his shirt and striking his Kung-fu poses before Ambrose shows up in a BBB shirt and then being declared to be the ambassador of BBB going into "Great Balls of Fire" PPV.
                           Image result for WWE Raw 26 june 2017
                                    Image sourced from: dailymotion.com
  • Ambrose, Slater and Rhyno vs. The Miz, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas: Another stale story-line bringing in Slater, Rhyno, Dallas and Axel into the Mix-Ambrose feud. Although they got some time on the main roster after a while, it was encouraging to see that WWE hasn't forgotten about them. Miz and Ambrose on the other hand need to spice things up. The heels got the victory due to Ambrose being distracted by The Miz, but to the credit of all the four dispensables, they entertained the crowd for quite a while. 
                                 Image result for WWE Raw 26 june 2017 Rollins vs curt hawkins
                                           Image sourced from: wwe.com
  • "Sawft" Segment: Enzo, much to the appreciation and sympathy of the crowd walked in to address the issue regarding Cass. He called him out due to failing in his attempts of working it out personally. Cass comes out and is seemingly apologetic about whatever transpired between them. In what seems to be the reconciliation of the most loved team on Raw, they walk back when their music hits before Cass breaks the suspense and hits a clothesline on Enzo. He then picks him up and tosses him across the ramp and walks back, unapologetic of his actions and owning his heel persona. This is probably one of the best directions in a while by the creative team. Shades of the violent streak in Cass have previously been brought up, but this is outright heat!
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                                        Image sourced from: criticalhit.net
  • Rollins vs Curt Hawkins: Another popcorn segment for the viewers as the traditional sermon from Bray Wyatt is the main focus here. Hawkins does get some screen time after a while and looks exciting but only for about 1/4th of the match. Rollins makes quick work of him and the segment concludes with a sermon from Wyatt directed at 'cleansing' Rollins.
                                Image result for WWE Raw 26 june 2017 Rollins vs curt hawkins
                                              Image sourced from: VdsMaza.com
  • Heyman-Lesnar-Joe: This was the showstopper of the evening. We see Heyman already talking about how Joe can only resort to sneak attacks earlier in the show. This segment welcomes back Lesnar after a week's absence. As soon as Lesnar's music hits, he comes out with Heyman to address the crowd. Before he even leaves the ramp, Joe sneaks up on him again and locks him in the Coquina Clutch. Adrenaline rushing segment, I tell you! Lesnar tries to break through and pushes Joe against the LED Screen, but Joe has already got hold of him. He chokes Lesnar for quite some time before a few wrestlers are brought out to get Joe out of there. This was the best segment in the show. Lesnar has not been dominated like this by anyone not named Goldberg. And to see Joe doing this, he is redefining badassery.
                                 Image result for WWE Raw 26 june 2017
                                            Image sourced from: youtube.com
  • King Neville vs. Lince Dorado: Tozawa is seen as a guest at the Titus Brand VIP section. Neville dominates early in the match before Dorado fights back followed by Neville grounding him. It turns out to be a hunting ground for Neville. The segment concludes with Titus declaring a title match between Neville and Tozawa at the PPV.
  • Women's Gauntlet Match for #1 Contender: This was an amazing main event to an amazing show after a long time! Nia Jax was on destruction mode as she swept pass Bayley, Mickie James, Dana Brooke and Emma. They don't even seem to be a bother for the monstrous Samoan. However, WWE is still invested into Sasha Banks as she seems to be the chosen one to slay the juggernaut that is Jax. Amazing in-ring work by all the women, with special attention given to Banks, Jax and Bayley. They are still planning to bring about a Bayley-Banks feud at the closest Big-4 PPV, Summerslam. Smart move, amazing execution!
                                Image result for WWE Raw 26 june 2017 Gauntlet
                                            Image sourced from: criticalhit.net

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