WWE Smackdown Live (25/07/2017): Review

WWE must have realized that Battleground was everything but a PPV - apart from it being labelled as one. Seemingly back on track to compete with Raw's surging viewership ratings and gravitational storylines, Smackdown Live made the best show possible to reinvigorate its stardom on TV. Smackdown Live is now on the course, sprinting swiftly towards establishing mouth-watering storylines for The Biggest Party of The Summer. Let's have a look at the proceedings.

Image result for smackdown live
Credits: WWE.com

  • Shinsuke Nakamura defeats Baron Corbin.
  • Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch defeat Tamina Snuka and Lana.
  • Sami Zayn and Tye Dillinger defeat Mike Kanellis and Aiden English.
  • AJ Styles defeats Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho to become new US Champion.

Jericho's Big Return
Kevin Owens, the new US Champ after Battleground, kicked the show off as he began gloating about conquering what was rightfully his and eventually concluding that he was a better champion that AJ Styles. A slight tease for the US Open Challenge may have produced a slight of support from the audience, but that was swiftly dealt with as he stated that he wouldn't defend the title in Richmond, Virginia. This led to former champ, AJ Styles, to come out and address his rematch clause for the title, only to be interrupted by a surprise return from none other than the previous US Champ, Chris Jericho. A shocked Owens was reminded of how he injured Jericho and put him on the shelf for months, which led to Jericho demanding his own title rematch clause. Styles and Jericho argued for a while but that was laid to rest by Smackdown Live Chief, Shane McMahon, who booked a Triple Threat Match among the three superstars for the US Title for tonight's main event.
'The Return of Jericho' seemingly elevates the excitement for the US Title picture. Jericho has been involved in two of the most successful storylines in the past year, including both Owens and Styles. Pitting these 3 against each other just brings a whole lot of matter to the US Championship picture. 

Image result for smackdown live 25/07/2017
Credits: houseofwrestling.com.br

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Baron Corbin
Picking up from where they left off at Battleground, Nakamura and Corbin faced each other for tonight's opening fight. There was no love lost between them, as The Lone Wolf asserted control due to the pure power he possesses after they traded a few blows. Corbin dominated for the major part of the match. He exhibited a clinical beat down on The King of Strong Style, who later answered with a series of hard-hitting kicks. That wasn't enough though. Corbin relentlessly beat him down again, in the ring as well as on the floor. A spirited comeback proved to be the savior for Nakamura as he gained back momentum, never to let it go again. A Kinshasa led to Nakamura scoring the pin.
This was a better match than the one they had at Battleground, as it looked more energetic and physical. The shear chemistry that these two have been pulling off, has been nothing but amazing. There was finally a proper end to the match, as Shinsuke Nakamura now sits on the better side with his comprehensive win. Baron Corbin didn't lose anything here, because he too showed the aggression and physicality he is known for. Added to it, he carries the MITB contract, which will always provide him with a guaranteed opportunity at championship gold.

Image result for smackdown live 25/07/2017 Nakamura vs corbin
Credits: topsy.one

Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch vs. Tamina Snuka and Lana
A short segment backstage that led to Natalya and Naomi promising to beat each other at Summerslam, led to this match where Tamina and Becky Lynch started brawling. Lana only got tagged in when Tamina was done pulping Lynch. Tamina and Lana dominated the match, isolating The Irish Lasskicker and beating her down clinically. A hot tag to Charlotte, raised up the excitement as she barged into her opponents and hit a Natural Selection on Lana to secure the victory. Tamina shouted at Lana before ordering her to go along with her.
Finally Naomi has an opponent who is legitimately a wrestler. Natalya is doing a wonderful job with her push, and these two will bring out the best in each other at Summerslam. Lana, however, has been disappointing with her wrestling gimmick. Yes. That's what I'll call it. Also, it is really confusing to see Tamina calling the shots, given the fact that she doesn't really know her own. How WWE wants to go with this is a matter best left to the progressing weeks. Charlotte and Lynch, on the other hand, look the part they're playing. Probably a Lynch-Charlotte feud to stir things up, maybe? 

Image result for smackdown live 25/07/2017 charlotte and becky vs tamina and lana
Credits: WWE.com

Jinder Mahal calls out his next opponent
Mahal challenged anyone from the Smackdown Live roster to face him at Summerslam for the WWE Title, and guess who came calling? None other than John Cena! What a surprise!
The championship-record-holding Cena, congratulated Jinder Mahal's victory over a veteran like Randy Orton, despite how shady it was. He said he respected the champion, but vowed to take him down before he leaves Summerslam. Daniel Bryan came out and finally put in some uncertainty into the fold, by adding Shinsuke Nakamura into the mix. He booked a match for next week, where Nakamura and Cena would go one-on-one to determine Mahal's opponent at Summerslam.
A fun segment mixed with the right amount of ferocity, John Cena pulled off yet another amazing promo. Given that the title picture took the most expected turn, GM Bryan has put in an amazing high-profile match to elevate a degrading major title. Would this be the perfect set-up for a Nakamura championship reign or will Big-match John prevail to shatter the record books?

Image result for smackdown live 25/07/2017 John cena
Credits: WWE.com

Sami Zayn and Tye Dillinger vs. Mike Kanellis and Aiden English
Although a filler for the night, the babyfaces really did good work in getting the crowd behind them. After Mike and Maria Kanellis were introduced by song via Aiden English, the heels did great when they beat Zayn down after a successful distraction by Maria. However, all that was required to change the scenario was a hot tag to Tye Dillinger, who incited the best pops from the crowd. Dillinger rolled over his opponents with a fury of shots, leading to a Helluva Kick from Zayn that helped him pin Mike, for the second straight time. 
Dillinger has gone over the crowd, and that too pretty well. However, Mike doesn't require the number of losses he's getting in his nascent time at WWE. 

Image result for Tye Dillinger on smackdown
Credits: WWE.com

The Usos destroy The New Day's Celebrations
The New Day didn't even complete their introduction when The Usos ambushed them, dragging the fight on to the entrance ramp. Kofi was thrust against the LED, while Big E tried to make a comeback. However, Jimmy and Jey stereo superkicked Big E which forced the officials to rush out and separate them. 
Although a failing Tag Division was significantly brought into life at Battleground when The New Day won, this segment cemented The Usos' heel personas. Being this frustrated about losing the titles is a sight you don't get to see these days. A significantly heated up rivalry continues to march on towards a Summerslam conclusion.

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Credits: bolanarede.pt

Triple-Threat Match for the US Championship: Kevin Owens (c) vs. Aj Styles vs. Chris Jericho
What a match this was! An extremely fast paced and action packed main event capped off Smackdown Live for the night. Aj Styles and Chris Jericho started thins off. No love was lost between the former foes as AJ Styles cast Jericho outside the ring. This allowed Owens to capitalize on The Phenomenol One. A series of moves allowed for the swift trading of momentum for all three superstars as Jericho countered Styles' calf-crusher with a Lionsault only for him to be dropped a 450 splash upon by Styles. Jericho the spring-boarded Owens into Styles allowing himself to dominate. A Walls of Jericho to Owens and a Codebreaker on Styles weren't enough to seal a victory. Owens then pounced upon Jericho as he hit him with a Pop-up Powerbomb. As Jericho kicked out and was further dominated by Owens, Styles rushed in to throw out Owens and score a pin for himself on the reeling Jericho. New US Champion: AJ Styles. A rant from Kevin Owens followed.
These three superstars brought the house down with their exciting bout. Oozing adrenaline from their throats, the audience were witness to an amazing Smackdown Live main event that led to a well-planned win. Although another short title reign was ended, the US Championship picture looks in great hands, miles better than the WWE Championship.

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Credits: directwrestling.com

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