WWE Raw (31/07/2017) : Review

Heading into The Biggest Party of The Summer, Monday-night Raw wasn't much of a progress towards establishing events for the PPV. Barring a mammoth triple-threat match, the other matches could have pulled in more appreciation if there was extensive follow up. Let's have a look at the proceedings.

Image result for Raw new era logo
Credits: WWE.com

  • The Hardy Boyz defeat Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.
  • Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander and Akira Tozawa defeat TJP, Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari.
  • Seth Rollins defeats Sheamus.
  • Roman Reigns defeats Braun Strowman and Samoa Joe.
  • Elias defeats Kalisto.
  • Bayley defeats Nia Jax.
  • Big Cass defeats Big Show via DQ.

Kurt Angle-Paul Heyman-Brock Lesnar Kick-off Raw
Announcing the match-card for the night's show, Kurt Angle felt nothing but gratitude as he thanked the WWE Universe for where he was today. As he tried to leave, Brock Lesnar's music hit as he came out accompanied by Paul Heyman. Heyman did the usual complaining about the low probability of his client to emerge victorious at Summerslam. He claimed of a favored gang-up of the other 3 brutes against his Beast and looked to rename the marquee match as "Brock Lesnar loses the Universal Title". He also made a point to state that if his client lost the match, both of them would leave the WWE.
This fuels the fire that Brock has been rumored to return to UFC since almost a week. As a result, Paul Heyman is trying to portray this as a conspiracy against Lesnar. This may add speculation to the fact that we might end up getting a new champion after the match at Summerslam. And Lesnar not being around to lay claim to a rematch doesn't weaken his character as well.

Image result for brock lesnar universal champion images
Credits: inquisitr.com

The Hardy Boyz vs. The Club
Accompanied by The Revival at commentary, the Tag Division match took place at a withering pace. The Hardy Boyz had the earlier edge as Matt and Jeff took turns to clinically beatdown Karl Anderson. The Club came back strong as they then beat Jeff down. Momentum continued to shift to-and-fro as Matt saved Jeff from a Magic-killer with a drop-kick. This lead to a Swanton Bomb that ultimately earned the Hardyz a win. After the match, Hardyz and Revival battled near the announce desk as both Hardy brothers hit a Twist of Fate on Scott Dawson. This provoked The Club to get into the mix of things as Jeff concluded by hitting a Poetry in Motion off the stage on The Club.
The Hardyz excited the crowd as only they can, but a major attachment was missing from the feud. Given that The Revival have been successful over the former tag champs, we might head into a multiple Tag-Team contest at Summerslam.

Image result for Hardy Boyz vs the club
Credits: WWE.com

Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander and Akira Tozawa vs. TJP, Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari
Finally, the purple ropes have come off! Alexander spearheaded an all out attack against the heels leading Tozawa and Swann on. Much of the focus stayed on Tozawa, as he was brutally punished due to an injured shoulder, which Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari capitalized on. A brawl broke out as the intensity only went north. Tozawa appeared out of nowhere to snatch a victory by virtue of a Senton.
The major focus remains on Tozawa's march into Cruiserweight main event. Alexander looked really strong here. Maybe consider him now?

Image result for Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann and Akira Tozawa vs TJP, Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese
Credits: criticalhit.net

Miz TV: Jason Jordan
The Miztourage surrounded Miz as he welcomed Jason Jordan after taking a regular heel shot at Pittsburgh. As usual, The Miz did most of the talking, offering Jordan to guide his career. A rejection from Jordan's side led to more bickering in the ring as The Miz proceeded to get personal, making statements that Jordan cannot hold his own without an Olympian by his side. The Miz went on to attack Jordan but a suplex throwing him into The Miztourage allowed Jordan to get the better of him. 
The Miz continues to impress as he carried the weight of the segment here. He has become one of the top draws in the mid-card scene as he continued to carry fresh talent with him. These two might just pull off quite the rivalry in the days to come before Summerslam.

Image result for WWE Raw 31/7/2017 Hardy Boyz vs Luke Gallows and KArl ANderson
Credits: WWE.com

Seth Rollins vs. Sheamus
Renee Young provided the platform for Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins to reminisce about their tag match from last week ending in Dean reiterating his distrust. A backstage challenge by Rollins turned into a match against Tag Champ, Sheamus. It was a shear power vs speed match up, as Rollins garnered early advantage. The tag champs exhibited a show of their unity via a distraction from Cesaro, leading to Sheamus dominating the match. Momentum was traded as the two superstars exchanged blows. Sheamus was later pinned surprisingly, leading to the Tag Champs beating Seth down. Cue for Ambrose, as he rushed in, only to face a Brogue Kick as Cesaro held him.
This segment was strong in the sense that both stories were significantly proceeded. Seth and Dean continue to come to the aid of each other, despite Dean's issues; and Sheamus and Cesaro continue to look dominating as the Tag Champs. It is a given fact that Seth and Dean are going to be in the Tag Championship scene for Summerslam. Now whether that remains a planned 2-team feud or it changes to a multi-team feud, is what we need to see.

Image result for Seth Rollins vs Sheamus
Credits: WWE.com

Finn Balor pops Bray's bubble
Bray Wyatt's promos are getting increasingly boring. The same shit, every time he faces someone new. He has one of the most useless and stale characters going into Summerslam. He talks of his issues with Balor and how he relished his attacks on him. As soon as the lights came on, Balor was right behind Bray, as he attacked him, sending the Eater of Worlds back into the locker room.
WWE needs to creatively conjure up something supernatural here. Given that Bray is being used to sell Balor, I believe, Balor's alter ego is really what is needed right now to add fuel to this fire up this feud. 

Image result for Finn Balor attacks BRay Wyatt
Credits: sportskeeda.com

Roman Reigns vs. Samoa Joe vs. Braun Strowman
A marquee match being sold as a regular TV show, this bout stole the show. WWE knew that this would do it, yet the placement in the match card was surprising.
Video packages opened the segment as Braun Strowman looked his usual self, decimating his foes in the ring. Not much later, the two Samoan heavyweights, beat down The Monster Among Men and removed him from the picture, momentarily, before going at each other. The action burst out into the stands and outside the ring. None of the beasts could dominate for much long as Strowman looked to be the strongest of the lot. He, however, was caught by The Samoan Submission Machine in a Coquina Clutch that bent him against the barricade. Strowman, though, conquered Joe's attack with pure power. Strowman looked to take the big win, however, Roman Reigns interfered as he knocked Strowman out of the ring and Speared Joe to pick up the win.
This was the best match of the night. These three Megastars have really brought out the best in each other. The energy, the violence, the excitement- all of it was in the right place. WWE ticked every box off with this match. Roman Reigns winning against all odds is the usual WWE booking, but what remains interesting here is that will Roman actually go on to win the title, or will WWE witness the cementing of a new top star? Nevertheless, Roman finally seems to be doing all the right things now.

Image result for WWE Raw 31/7/2017 Kurt Angle and brock lesnar
Credits: WWE.com

Elias vs. Kalisto
This was the most disappointing follow-up to a mammoth of a bout. Elias (dropping his last name, Samson), was gifted with a squash match as he dominated over the high-flying acrobatics of Kalisto. Kalisto was battered brutally and pinned for a quick win. 
WWE seems to be invested in Elias, provided they allowed him wins over fan-favorites like Dean Ambrose and Finn Balor. However, the picture doesn't really seem clear for him leading into Summerslam. 

Image result for Elias Samson vs Kalisto
 Credits: breakingwrestlingnews.com

Nia Jax vs. Bayley
Always an interesting battle between the two didn't leave room for an average bout. This is why, this match failed to establish Bayley's lead up to the Championship match at Summerslam. An early attempt to use her speed against Jax didn't really prove successful as Jax dominated the match-up. Hurting her arm in the process, Bayley allowed Jax a concentrated target for a better beat down. Somehow, surprisingly, Bayley managed to ward off interference from Alexa Bliss and evaded an attacking Jax to pick up the win here. 
Jax didn't lose momentum here, as she was booked strongly in the match. A failed attempt to channelize her power allowed Bayley to pick up the victory via count-out. The match was simply put up to establish Bayley's guts and heart leading into Summerslam.

Image result for Nia JAx vs. BAyley
Credits: WWE.com

Big Cass vs Big Show
A stale main event could've easily been avoided had WWE shuffled this with the monstrous Triple Threat match. Enzo accompanied Big Show as he took to the mic to diss Big Cass. Before the match even started, Big Show looked to teach Cass something about respect as the giants brawled. Big Cass, however, prevailed in slaying the giant as he knocked Show out cold with a big boot. Enzo jumped in to the aid of Big Show, only to be physically dismantled himself. A big right hand from The World's Largest athlete blew the lights out on Big Cass.
It has become very painful to see a repetition of the same segment every week. Big Show will eventually become a stepping stone for Big Cass, but it is hard to fathom the narrative this entire thing is inching towards.

Image result for WWE Raw 31/7/2017
Credits: t2musicinc.com

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